WWPH Writes 88… celebrates our year in review with links to some of our favorite issues of the past year.
We are going to be celebrating a lot in 2025 as we enter our 50th year. Join us and submit to AMERICA’S FUTURE. Send us your poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for inclusion in our biggest-ever anthology of poetry and prose. Write the future. The deadline is December 31st. Information below, and detailed writing prompts are available here.
And there’s more! We are re-opening WWPH Writes for submissions on January 1st, and when we re-open, we will be a paying market. Contributors will receive $25.00 (with the exception of excerpts and our Tiny Poem special issues, which, yes, are coming back in August!) Plus, read on to some insider news on our 2025-2026 manuscript contests.
Lastly, think of supporting your Washington Writers’ Publishing House this year via a tax-deductible contribution. We are the longest, continuously operating cooperative nonprofit literary small press in the United States, and we are here for you!
Here’s to a 2025 filled with happiness, health, creativity, and community. Happy New Year!
Caroline Bock & Jona Colson
Washington Writers’ Publishing House.

WWPH Writes 83 with excerpts from our 2024 AWARD-WINNING BOOKS
WWPH Writes 79 with our annual TINY POEMS
WWPH Writes 76 with our annual PRIDE CONTEST winners
WWPH Writes 67 with poet David Kleplinger (we nominated his poem, Astrolabe, for a Pushcart Prize) and an excerpt from novelist Donna Hemans
Thank you to everyone who submitted this past year to WWPH Writes, and thank you to all our dedicated subscribers (now over 1,300 strong). Browse all our past WWPH Writes issues here.
We are seeking your poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for a new anthology slated to be published in September 2025. Write your future! Submit your poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and works in translation to AMERICA’S FUTURE. Insider hint: we are eager to read any speculative/futuristic/sci-fi pieces, but we are also looking for narratives that probe what is tomorrow? What is next? What does this journey that we (or a specific character) on mean? The future is a moment from now, a decade, a hundred years. it’s the idea of the possible as well as the impossible. Detailed writing prompts and guidelines are available here.

In 2025, we celebrate our 50th anniversary — and we hope to be here as a vital and vibrant part of the DMV literary community for another 50! Please help us continue to keep on publishing writers from DC, Maryland, and Virginia; expanding our WWPH Literary Salons (free three-hour workshops and readings), WWPH Writes, our WWPH Fellowship Program, and our upcoming 2025 anthology AMERICA’S FUTURE, in which we aim to turn a literary lens on the state of our creative union.
All contributors will be noted and celebrated in our America’s Future anthology (we are a 501c3 – all contributions are tax deductible). Details on how to donate here via credit card or by mail. All contributions are very appreciated!

Here’s to a 2025 of great reads! Support your WWPH and purchase your books at bookshop.org. Here’s the link.