Frequently Asked Questions
I once lived in Washington DC, Maryland, or Virginia, can I still submit to your annual manuscript contests?
No. Our mission is to publish writers who currently reside in DC, Maryland, or Virginia.
My manuscript has been self-published, can I still submit it to your contest?
No. We want only previously unpublished work.
I would like to submit creative nonfiction or a memoir this year, can I?
No. We are alternating the publication of works in translation with creative nonfiction. The creative nonfiction category will return in 2026.
I am submitting a collection of short stories or poems — should I include an acknowledgment page?
Yes. If any of your work has been published, please include an acknowledgments page–without your name on it. We do read blind. However, we have an ‘honor system’ with our judges on the acknowledgments page. Please note: that we understand and appreciate that stories or poems in collections might have been previously published in literary journals or other venues. Please look closely at our recent collections, and you will see that about 50-60% of the work in those collections has been previously published.
My novel/collection of short stories or nonfiction work is under or over the guidelines of 150-250 pages or 60,000- 70,000 words, can I still submit it to you?
As a cooperative press, we have recently come to the realization that our strength and focus are better with manuscripts that are between 150-250 pages, or about 60,000-70,000 words. Read our recent award-winning fiction: Varun Gauri’s For the Blessings of Jupiter and Venus, Len Kruger’s Bad Questions or Suzanne Feldman’s The Witch Bottle and Other Stories, all of which are within these parameters. So, please send us work that is between 150-250 pages. Please note that manuscripts should be double-spaced, 12-point type (Times Roman or Garamond, preferred), and have 1-inch margins on the right and left sides. PLEASE PROOF CLOSELY. Please review our WWPH STYLE sheet here. We generally follow the Chicago Manual of Style.
My book was published outside the United States, can I still submit it to you?
No. We are only seeking previously unpublished books or collections, i.e., those that were published in their entirety in any other country or in any manner (ebooks, self-published), are not eligible.
How is publishing with WWPH different than with other presses?
First, we are all volunteers. We have all been published by the Washington Writers’ Publishing House. We are passionate about our WWPH books. However, we are not professionals, though several of us have experience editing and/or with marketing and public relations. We do pay for professionals to support us, notably, a manuscript typesetter, a cover designer, and, for prose, a proofreader. This is all a cooperative process between the press and the writer.
If selected, please note that the writer should have the time available to focus on their book production and promotion.
In the early winter, to coincide with the publication of our books, we will organize at least two events to support the launch of our new books. Historically. the readings are with Politics & Prose and the Writer’s Center in Bethesda. However, like most small presses (and many major presses) we rely on the author to actively promote their work via social media, in-market events, and outreach to grassroots organizations.
Once an author is published with us, we ask the writers to commit to two years of service to the press in any area that works for them. Many writers stay involved with WWPH for many years, and we do all we can to nurture an inclusive, supportive, creative environment. Please read our recent winners and make sure we are the right press for you–we hope you are.
How are your books published and distributed?
We publish our books via Ingram (Lightning Source) Publishing, which is a print-on-demand publisher. Ingram distributes our books to all the e-tailers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, etc); however, like so many small literary presses, wider distribution to bookstores and libraries is limited, and we depend on your enthusiasm to promote your work. So the last thought: we take great care with our books, but we rely on you, as the writer, to contribute time and energy to promoting your books to the book-buying community.
So, what is the timeline for the next book-length manuscript contest?
May 1-July 15 -Manuscript contests open
July 2-November 1 -Reading and evaluation period (note: all manuscripts are read blind)
Mid–November – Announce winners
December-March -Editing/revision process. PLEASE NOTE: WRITER SHOULD BE AVAILABLE to revise/review and finalize their manuscript during this critical timeframe.
December-March – Cover design with an in-house cover designer led by your editor. Please note we see this as a collaborative process, but WWPH will have the final decision on cover.
Spring, 2026 – Interior design/proofreading. Please note we see this as a collaborative process, but WWPH will have the final decision on interior design.
Late spring/early summer – Advanced Reader’s Copies available for promotion. Ebooks design underway. Launch events planned.
Please note: Cash awards will be distributed upon final delivery of the manuscript.
January 2027 – Publication date/launch event at a major DC-area bookstore (traditionally Politics & Prose on Connecticut Avenue) and at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda.
More questions? Email us at
We look forward to reading your book-length manuscripts!