WWPH WRITES and Manuscript Submissions


We are happy to consider never-published original poetry as well as reprints from recent or upcoming published full-length poetry collections or chapbooks (please indicate publication date and press) from writers living in Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Submit 1-3 poems not to exceed 5 pages. 12-point type, single-spaced. Please provide a cover letter addressed to the Poetry Editor with a biography of 50 words or less. FREE TO SUBMIT. Please submit here. 


We seek never-published original fiction and creative nonfiction.  We are looking for selections that could be considered flash fiction or creative nonfiction flash under 1,000 words. We also will consider spotlighting a novel or essay excerpt (also 1,000 words) from a recently published work. We lean toward the voice, the story, and the spark of language that speaks to the particular as well as the universal. Stories that tell us something more about life in DC, Maryland, or Virginia are especially welcome.  Please provide a cover letter addressed to the Prose Editor with a biography of 50 words or less. FREE TO SUBMIT. Please submit here.


Contributors will be paid $25.00 for the nonexclusive first right to publish the work. Payments will be made via check mailed via the U.S. Postal Service.  Please note that we exclude reprints and our Tiny Poem special issues in August from payment. We nominate published work for all applicable ‘best of’ anthologies, including Pushcarts, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfictions. 

Reprints. In both poetry and prose, we will consider REPRINTS from books published in 2024-2025. Please contact us directly at wwphpress @ gmail.com to discuss the possible inclusion in WWPH Writes. We aim to support/celebrate literary books from DMV writers.

We seek diverse voices that represent the literary richness of the DMV. We do not accept any works written with the assistance of AI and will ban any writers from further publication with WWPH if this is found to be the case. We want your original work. 

Please make sure you sign up to receive WWPH Writes–it’s free–and we will never share your email with any third parties. Sign up below.

The Washington Writers’ Publishing House will accept book-length manuscripts for our annual contests beginning May 1-July 15. OVERVIEW FOR ALL:

Open to all residents of Washington DC, Maryland, and Virginia. Contests open May 1 and will close on July 15th at 11:59 pm, ET

All entries are via Submittable. The entry fee is $28.00 via submittable.

All manuscript contests are judged by previous winners who volunteer their time and skills, WWPH is a non-profit cooperative press reflecting the culture and diversity of DC, Maryland, and Virginia. All manuscripts are read blind. 

Prizes include $1,500, publication, 25 copies, editorial guidance, and launch support. Typically, launch support includes readings held at Politics & Prose in its main store in D.C. and at the Writer’s Center in Bethesda. We aim to publish our books from this manuscript contest cycle in January of 2027.

IMPORTANT: The Washington Writers’ Publishing House is a cooperative or all-volunteer small literary press. The winners become members of WWPH and should be prepared to participate actively in the work of the press, including such areas as judging, publicity, distribution, production, and fundraising for two years following publication. The winners should be able to attend at least one in-person press meeting in the D.C. area in 2025. Additional meetings may be held virtually two to three times per year. Our tradition of writers working on behalf of other writers is essential to the continued vitality and success of WWPH. Contest entrants should be willing to make this commitment should their work be selected for publication.

Please look closely at our FAQs to decide if WWPH is the best place for your work.

We encourage all entrants to read recent past winners of our contests.

Books are available at independent bookstores and e-retailers and in many local libraries.

The Jean Feldman Poetry Prize

Poets who are residents of DC, Maryland, and Virginia are invited to submit a manuscript of between 70-100 pages in length, single or 1 1/2 spaced. Previously published collections are not eligible, including self-published collections available as ebooks or in print.

Manuscripts will be accepted via Submittable. As of May 1st, to enterclick here. Do not include your name, address, or other identifying information on the submitted document; manuscripts must be anonymous.

A table of contents and acknowledgments page (including publications in which poems from the manuscript have appeared previously) should be included.

Multiple submissions are permitted if submitted separately, each with a submission fee. Once submitted, manuscripts cannot be altered. The winner will be given the opportunity to work with a WWPH writer/editor and make changes before publication. Simultaneous submissions to other publishers are permitted, but please notify us immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere. Only poets who have not published books with us are invited to enter this category.

We are very grateful for Dr. Jean Feldman’s underwriting of this prize. More details about Dr. Jean Feldman and her generous support of WWPH poetry here.

Fiction Prize

Fiction writers who are residents of DC, Maryland, and Virginia are invited to submit a novel or a collection of short stories. Previously published works are not eligible, including self-published works available as ebooks or in print.

Manuscripts should be closely proofed and submitted in 12-point type, double-spaced, with a 1″ margin on the left and right side. Minimum page count of 150. Maximum page count: 250.

A one-page synopsis must accompany your manuscript. Tips on how to write a synopsis here.

The Washington Writers’ Publishing House follows the Chicago Manual of Style. Please find the WWPH style sheet here. Please make every effort to proofread your manuscript closely and to conform to the Chicago Manual of Style.

As of May 1st, to enterclick here. Do not include your name, address, or other identifying information on the submitted document; manuscripts must be anonymous. Multiple submissions are permitted if submitted separately, each with a submission fee. Once submitted, manuscripts cannot be altered. The winner will be given the opportunity to work with a WWPH writer/editor and make changes before publication. Simultaneous submissions to other publishers are permitted, but please notify us immediately if your manuscript is accepted elsewhere. Only writers who have not published books with us are invited to enter this category.

Translators who are residents of DC, Maryland, and Virginia are invited to submit a translated poetry collection for publication in January 2026. The manuscript should be between 70-100 pages in length, single or 1 1/2 spaced. Previously published collections are not eligible, including self-published collections available as ebooks or in print.

We are committed to translations from languages widely spoken in the DMV. For this year’s prize, we will accept work translated from poets in these languages: The 10 Main Languages Spoken in Washington D.C.

Submit your translations with the original as a single file. Include an acknowledgments page listing the poems that have been published elsewhere. Provide a short bio for the translator(s) and original author(s) in your manuscript.

Translators must hold the necessary rights and permissions for the original work unless it is in the public domain. Please provide copyright information (the name of the copyright holder and the year of original publication) for the original work. Or, provide a document indicating that you have the rights to translate and publish the work. If the author is still alive, the document must be signed by both parties.

Writers who have published previous books with WWPH are permitted to submit in this category.

Please look closely at our FAQs to decide if WWPH is the best place for your work.

LAST NOTE: Your work must be human-authored and not generated in whole or part by “A.I”/LLM engines or services (i.e. ChatGPT). Use of common spell/grammar/style check applications are except from this prohibition.